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@WorldBank/Bangladesh country office

The IDA19 Scale-Up Window (SUW)1 is designed to scale up IDA financing to support high quality, transformational, country-specific or regional or both, with a strong development impact. The resources are in addition to country allocations making them useful where country allocations are insufficient. Under IDA19, the $5.7 billion SUW will continue to provide more significant financing for high impact development projects.


  • Countries subject to a Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Analysis (LIC-DSA) are eligible only if they are at low or moderate risk of debt distress;
  • Countries not subject to a LIC-DSA are considered on a case-by-case basis. Confirmation of alignment with IDA’s Sustainable Development Finance Policy (SDFP) and the IMF Debt Limit Policy (DLP) and through consultation within Bank units. 

Additionally, the following criteria are used to select projects/programs

  • Potential for transformational impact;
  • Alignment with WBG goals and IDA policy priorities;
  • Risk of debt distress status of the borrower; and 
  • Country’s capacity to absorb non-concessional resources.


  • Regional Allocations: Resources from the SUW are allocated to each Region in proportion to the share of country allocations assigned to each Region, excluding countries at high risk of debt distress.
  • Blend Country Ratios: To appropriately balance resources between Blend countries and other IDA-eligible countries, financing to Blend countries is limited to their respective share of country allocations for eligible countries in the Region.
  • Country Caps: Annual SUW financing to a country should not usually exceed its annual country allocation or one-third of the country’s indicative IDA19 country allocation (or whatever is larger). However, caps for small countries are flexible.

Financing Terms

The SUW will provide financing on IBRD lending terms to Blend and IDA-only countries at low or moderate risk of debt distress.

More details can be found in Annex 9 of the IDA19 Replenishment Report (pdf).

1The IDA18 Scale-up Facility has been renamed as the Scale-up Window (SUW) in IDA19.