Final Meeting. The IDA16 Replenishment process concluded in Brussels, Belgium, on December 14-15, 2010. For the outcome of the meeting, please see Press Release and Chairperson Summary:
- IDA: Delivering Development Results, IDA16 Replenishment Final Report.
- Donor Contributions to IDA16 Replenishment (pdf)
Third Meeting. The Third IDA16 Replenishment Meeting was held in Washington, DC, on October 11-12, 2010. The discussions focused on IDA's results framework, the proposed Crisis Response Window, IEG's update on IDA controls, and IDA16 financing framework. See Chairperson Summary and meeting papers:
- Financing Framework: Updated IDA16 Financing Framework and Key Financial Variables
- Crisis Response Window: Technical Note on the Establishment of a Crisis Response Window in IDA16
- Exchange Rates: Effective Foreign Exchange Reference Rates for IDA16 and MDRI Update
Second Meeting. The Second IDA16 Replenishment Meetingtook place in Bamako, Mali on June 16-18, 2010. See Chairperson Summary (pdf) and meeting papers:
- IDA16 Implementation: The IDA16 Implementation Framework Report
- Special Themes: Special Themes for IDA16
- Crisis Response Window: Proposal for a Permanent Crisis Response Window in IDA
- PBA System: IDA Performance Based Allocation System: Review of the Current System
- IDA Financing Requirements: The Demand for IDA16 Resources and the Strategy for their Effective Use
- Financing Framework: IDA16 Financing Framework
- Support Development Results: IDA16 Second Replenishment Meeting - Summary Note
First Meeting. The First IDA16 Replenishment Meeting took place in Paris, France, on March 3-4, 2010. At the meeting, Deputies and borrowing country representatives discussed IDA's challenges and strategic directions, as well as the proposed special themes for IDA16: fragile states, gender, crises response and climate change. See Chairperson Summary and meeting papers:
- IDA16 Agenda: Setting the Agenda for IDA16 and IDA16 Themes and Issues
- MDRI Netting Out: Mitigating the Impact of Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) Netting Out on New IDA Country Allocations: Additional Options
- Crisis Response: Enhancing IDA's Capacity to Respond to Severe Crisis
- Financial Papers: A Review of IDA's Long Term Financial Capacity and Financial Instruments and Effective Foreign Exchange Rates for Use in the IDA16 Replenishment