IDA Deputies and representatives from 45 donor and 7 borrowing countries attended the IDA15 Mid-Term Review meeting in Washington, DC from November 18 to 20, 2009. The meeting reviewed the progress made on the IDA15 recommendations. See Chairperson Summary.
The group also reviewed the IDA15 Implementation Report and papers outlining progress in the special themes of IDA15, including:
- IDA15 Mid-Term Review: Aid Effectiveness
- IDA Support to Fragile States and Conflict-Affected Countries: Progress Report FY07-09
- Post-conflict Performance Indicators: An External Panel Review and Next Steps
- IDA Exceptional Allocation: A Review of the Implementation Experience with Lengthened Phase Out
- Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) Financing Status
- Options for Reducing the Impact of MDRI Netting out on New IDA Country Allocations
- IDA Performance Based Allocation (PBA) and Development Results: An Update
- IDA15 Results Measurement System: Mid-Term Review
- Output-Based Aid Approaches: A Review of the Use of Output-Based AId Approaches (pdf)
In addition, they also discussed about papers on Climate Change, Gender and IDA’s Regional Program.