IDA17 Retrospective - This report examines what IDA achieved during the IDA17 period (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017).
Final Meeting. The Final IDA17 Replenishment Meeting took place in Moscow, Russia, from December 16 to 17, 2013. For the outcome of the meeting, please see Press Release.
- IDA17 Replenishment Final Report: Maximizing Development Impact
- IDA17: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations (pdf)
- Delivering Development Results: A Retrospective Review of IDA’s Sixteenth Replenishment
- Donor Contributions to IDA17 Replenishment (pdf)
Third Meeting. The Third IDA17 Replenishment Meeting took place in Washington D.C., from October 14 to 15, 2013. See Chairperson Summary.
The following papers were discussed:
- Updated IDA17 Financing Framework and Key Financial Variables
- Implementation Arrangements for Allocating IDA Resources to Countries Facing Turn-around Situations - Background Note
- Strengthening Support for Regional Projects - Background Note
Second Meeting. The Second IDA17 Replenishment Meeting took place in Managua, Nicaragua, from July 1 to 4, 2013. See Chairperson Summary.
The following papers were discussed:
- IDA17 Overarching Theme: Maximizing Development Impact
- The Demand for IDA17 Resources and the Strategy for their Effective Use
- IDA17 Financing Framework
- Special Themes for IDA17
First Meeting. The First IDA17 Replenishment Meeting took place in Paris, France, from March 20 to 21, 2013. At the meeting, IDA Deputies and IDA Borrower Representatives discussed IDA's challenges and strategic directions, as well as the proposed special themes for IDA17: fragile states, gender, climate change, inclusive growth, and regional transformative initiatives. See Chairperson Summary.
The following papers were discussed:
- IDA17 Agenda: Setting the Agenda for IDA17
- Fragile States: IDA's Support to Fragile and Conflict-affected States
- Regional Transformational Projects: IDA Support to Transformational Projects with Regional Impact
- Financial Papers: Effective Foreign Exchange Rates for Use in the IDA17 Replenishment and IDA's Long Term Financial Capacity and Financial Instruments
- IDA16 Mid-Term Review: Issues Remaining from the IDA16 Mid-term Review Meeting
- Graduation and Transitional Support: Follow-Up on IDA's Graduation Policy and Proposal for Transitional Support for Graduating Countries